
This is just a little place to share my Craftyness with the world 🙂

About me:

don't let the tee fool you I'm really a RavenclawDon’t let the tee fool you. I’m really a Griffindor 😛

I’m a female in my 30’s. Born and raised in Reykjavik, Iceland. I live with my sister and my nephew. and my little daughter (born in February 2019)

I love supernatural books, movies and tv. some of my fave are Harry Potter, Buffy, Angel, Supernatural, True blood, The vampire diaries, teen wolf, Game of Thrones, his dark materials . . . you get the picture 😛

In crafting I mostly Paper Piece (or foundation piece) I really love quilting and designing quilt blocks.  This page was started mostly so I can share my designs with the world.  and perhaps meet fellow crafters and fangirls/boys 🙂

Due to my social phobia (that’s the actual medical term) I have a hard time keeping a normal job so I have a paper route (my only actual job), and I stay home and craft a lot. I have a really hard time actually leaving the house most days but I do force my self to go out at least once a week and I do go to the annual ‘gay pride parade’ in Reykjavik (even if being surrounded by all that people terrifies me).

edt.2013  Working on fighting my social phobia I now have a full time job making my craft time much more limited. and as such I’m not updating as often as I would like. But I’m still here and I have a lot of drawn patterns that I just need time to sew and they will be up. Right now I’m trying for at least one a month.

I was recently on Sewhooked’s guest designer spotlight. Check it out for more info on me 🙂

If you have questions or for any reason need to contact me you can send me an email But I am quite busy these days so don’t worry if it takes me a little time to get back to you.

 photo nawwal_designer_zps48cfb1fc.jpg
 photo tababom_designer_zps12d4fb2f.jpgAs You Wish Designer photo aywdesignerbadge_zps2d76c5ef.jpg

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